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Proving Grounds

Speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, then enter the Proving Grounds.

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in unknown location (2).


You there! It's <name>, right? Greetings. I'm Taijing.

<Taijing sizes you up.>

You look strong. I've seen you a few times here in the Vale, but I've never seen you fight before. I wonder... are you as strong as you seem?

If you're interested in proving yourself, speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, in Kun-Lai. He will put you to the test.


Welcome to the Proving Grounds, <class>. I am Trial Master Rotun.

Here, you may test your skill at performing several different combat roles: dealing damage, absorbing damage, and healing. I shall administer and judge these trials.

<Rotun smiles.>

Are you ready to begin?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 23600 experience (at level 90)

