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Changelog 19.01.2023 - 19.02.2023 (184 fixes)

Spells (73)
Death Knight
#2256 Fixed a bug which allowed Dark Simulacrum to copy some spells it should not be able to copy
#2456 Fixed a bug which prevented Gargoyle from attacking when summoned in combat
#2639 Damage caused by Treants is now correctly displayed to their summoner
#2389 Fixed spells that activate a shapeshift form after recent changes - shapeshift will no longer fail when already in a different shapeshift form
#2805 Nature's Swiftness is now correctly removed when casting a spell it affects after relogging
Maximum duration extend is now shared between all targets and casting Rip on any target will reset it for all of them
#2579 Drastically improved selection of jump destination
#2279 Wild Mushrooms now correctly despawn if their summoner moves too far away from them
#2279 Fixed Wild Mushroom, Rune of Power and Jade Serpent Statue after recent summon slot changes
#1848 Aspect of the Pack will no longer overwrite Aspects of other Hunters in the same group
It is now possible the change the primary target who receives double damage by targeting a different enemy
Fingers of Frost applied by Alter Time now correctly displays UI indicator for both charges
Arcane Explosion can no longer trigger Arcane Charges when not in Arcane talent specialization
#1164 Casting Conjure Mana Gem can now recharge existing Mana Gem if it doesn't have maximum charges
#2636 Fixed Guild Mail - mails between guild members now arrive instantly
#2403 Fixed a small mistake which resulted in spell damage buff of incorrect value being applied after Incanter's Ward expires
#1182 Mastery: Icicles now stores percentage value from damage without damage taken modifiers
Provoke will now correctly taunt targets immune to Physical school
#2288 Fixed a bug which prevented the client from properly playing Roll animation
#2757 Daybreak will no longer incorrectly calculate its heal amount if it only targets creatures
#2289 Added diminishing returns and PvP duration to Turn Evil from Evil is a Point of View talent
#1217 Reworked channeled pushback to match retail behavior - channeled spells will no longer lose ticks because of pushback
#2172 Casting Dominate Mind at a creature moving in formation will now temporarily detach it from the formation
#2172 Fixed a bug which prevented players from enabling Auto Attack when controlling an enemy with Dominate Mind
#2172 Creatures will now correctly start attacking the caster of Dominate Mind when the effect ends
#2172 Fixed Dominate Mind's duration against non-player units
#2172 Fixed a bug which prevented players from casting Dominate Mind at creatures that act as a vehicle
#2693 Fear Ward is now correctly removed when it prevents a Fear effect
#2628 Surge of Darkness no longer procs from Renew ticks
#2487 Corrected absorb priorities - Spirit of Redemption can no longer trigger from receiving overkill damage when Guardian Spirit is active
#2248 Halo now correctly starts combat with damaged units
Corrected Prayer of Mending's jump radius against player-owned creatures like pets and guardians
Prayer of Mending will no longer apply healing modifiers again after each jump
Corrected which modifiers increase the healing of Prayer of Mending after recent changes
#2173 Creatures will now correctly attack Void Tendrils if there are no other enemies in melee range
#2360 Deadly Throw now consumes Anticipation immediately on cast, instead of on hit
#2360 Crimson Tempest now correctly consumes Anticipation even if it doesn't hit any enemy
#1180 Casting Fan of Knives will now correctly break Subterfuge Steatlh even if it doesn't hit any enemy
#2499 Ruthlessness will no longer start combat with the target
#2678 Shadowstep is now also usable on friendly targets
#2526 Shroud of Concealment can no longer break Subterfuge Stealth
#2494 Changed current duration cap to total duration cap - Conductivity can no longer extend Healing Rain's total duration over 40 seconds
#2406 Fixed Earthgrab Totem after recent changes
Fixed a bug which caused spells with no travel time to instantly consume a charge of Clearcasting they just procced
#2437 Fixed a bug which prevented Lava Surge from resetting Lava Burst's cooldown shortly after casting Lava Burst
#2463 Effects which duplicate spell casts (Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest and Echo of the Elements) can no longer trigger cooldown or consume spell charges
Casting Create Healthstone can now recharge existing Healthstone if it doesn't have maximum charges
Using Soulwell while already having a Healthstone can now recharge existing Healthstone if it doesn't have maximum charges
#2246 Casting Flames of Xoroth will now correctly remove Grimoire of Sacrifice
#2247 Fear will no longer apply Nightmare if the casting Warlock doesn't have Improved Fear
#2655 Casting Berserker Rage during Bladestorm now correctly triggers one charge of Raging Blow
#2832 Bladestorm now correctly makes the Warrior immune to Cyclone
#2844 Reflected spells now correctly show as a debuff in UI
#1245 Swooping Plainshawk now correctly attacks the player after spawning
#2405 Capacitor Totem will no longer interrupt its Static Charge cast when summoned in combat
#2450 Exiting water on a Cloud Serpent mount will now correctly dismount you if you don't know Cloud Serpent Riding
Deathfrost will no longer do its slow effect on targets with level 73 or higher
Dominion Over Acherus is now correctly applied to Death Knights after teleporting to Acherus
Executioner buff can no longer stack if the player has Executioner enchant on both weapons
#2592 Players will no longer fall through the platform when teleporting to the Frozen Throne
#2409 Fixed cast time scaling for Healing Mists and other similar creature spells
#2602 Golad and Tiriosh legendary effect now works correctly with Slice and Dice, Recuperate and Crimson Tempest
Added missing visual spell to Zen Master Herbalist's Lifebloom
#2576 Mental Protection Field now correctly protects players against Remote Toy stun effect
#2312 Corrected a text sent after interacting with runty crops
#2077 Kang Bramblestaff will now leave player's side after completing all quests he's involved in
#2772 Refresh Mount now correctly heals player's mount
Cinderglacier now correctly applies with two charges instead of one, and only spells that do damage can consume a charge
Unholy Strength buff can no longer stack if the Death Knight has Rune of the Fallen Crusader on both weapons
Using Synapse Springs will now correctly increase the highest stat
#2532 Ysera's Gift no longer makes a sound if it fails to heal while in a party
#2532 Ysera's Gift can no longer trigger its healing when the Druid is dead
#1218 Pandaria Cooking specializations now have a starting skill of 525
Dungeons (2)
#2604 Dungeon Finder (item level) Fixed item level calculation in Dungeon Finder UI
#2740 Instances Increased instances per hour limit to 10
Mechanics (3)
#2490 Enchants proc from all non dmg or healing spells Lightweave Embroidery, Darkglow Embroidery and Power Torrent can now only proc from damage or healing events
#2490 Enchants proc from all non dmg or healing spells Swordguard Embroidery can now only proc from damage events
#2462 cat form shapeshift Players now keep their intended Energy when shapeshifting - shapeshifting no longer resets Energy to 100
General (44)
#51 Alchemy Fixed Zen Alchemist Stone
#2506 Aoe loot Optimize sending packets after killing a creature - this will improve client performance and fix one case of getting disconnected from the game
#924 Battleground - Alterac Valley Fixed reinforcements display
#924 Battleground - Alterac Valley All capture points are now visible on the map at the start of the battleground
#924 Battleground - Alterac Valley Changed starting reinforcements to 500
Boss Chests Fixed saving player list to GameObjects - only players who were present during boss kill should be able to loot their chests
#2471 Boss movement Fixed a bug which sometimes caused creatures to generate incorrect path to their target
#2448 Chybějící buff v Shrine of Two Moons Added missing Cyclonic Inspiration buffs to Shrine of Seven Stars and Shrine of Two Moons
#2446 DK quest descriptions Quests in Death Knight starting zone no longer show Talent Points as a reward
#2834 Dalaran-portal in the well Dalaran Well teleports no longer fail if the player is mounted
#2254 Darkmoon Decky Added missing quests for Tiger Deck, Ox Deck, Crane Deck and Serpent Deck
#50 Enchanting Enchanting an Enchanting Vellum will no longer consume the entire stack of Enchanting Vellums
#49 Engineering Engineering tinkers can now correctly stack with ordinary item enchants
#2445 First three DK talent points Death Knights now gain new Talent Points at correct levels
Gems & Enchants Stats from gems and enchants are now correctly recalculated on level change
#2489 Gems / enchants Corrected enchant and gem scaling
#38 Global - Mounts Grand Expedition Yak - Mystic Birdhat now correctly provides Reforge services
#38 Global - Mounts Grand Expedition Yak - Added missing vendors
#38 Global - Mounts Traveler's Tundra Mammoth - Vendors now correctly spawn in vehicle seats
#2478 Guild tabard is saved/displayed incorrectly Fixed saving guild crest
#42 Inscription Added Plain Wooden Staff to vendors with Inscription supplies
#2756 Limit Daily questů Removed daily quests cap
Map Transfer Players will no longer sometimes lose spellmods (reduced or increased cooldowns, cast times, spell range, etc.) after transfering to a different map
#2504 Master Loot Implemented Request Roll function in Master Looter UI
#2504 Master Loot Fixed Master Loot interaction with AoE Loot
#2504 Master Loot Distributing loot through Master Loot now works correctly after relogging
#2504 Master looter Fixed assigning items in Master Loot system
#2461 Mounts Players can no longer use mounts from the opposite faction
#2485 Obecné problémy You can now move items in inventory while casting or channeling
Pet Bar Mounting up now correctly disables pet bar and interrupts pet's casting and channeling
#2457 Pet channeling Pet's channeling can no longer be interrupted by casting a helpful spell
#2430 Ports in Shrine of Two Moons Added missing portals to Shrine of Two Moons
#2293 Raids lockouts Corrected instance lockout length
#2821 Reputation decrease by killing Rep Mobs after 999/1000 Exalted Reputations now correctly cap at 999/1000 Exalted
Talent Remove Leveling up above level 85 will now update reagent required to remove talents immediately, instead of after relogging
#2292 Talent Trees Fixed sending chat links from talents
#2436 Talents Fixed displaying selected talents in Inspect
#2061 Teleports & Pandaria Players should no longer sometimes end up in incorrect location after teleporting to a different map
Transmogrification Cosmetic type items can now be used to transmogrify any items regardless of their armor type
#2062 Transmogrification bug Fixed saving transmogrification for items
#2689 Worgen Racials Missing after Copy to Helios from Apollo Restored deleted Worgen racial spells for players below level 20
#2809 double use trinket use Players can no longer use both of their trinkets at the same time if they share cooldown
#2563 item upgrade Item Upgrade services have been disabled until patch 5.1
#2505 release Fixed various problems after recent map transfer changes
Quests (21)
Kalimdor - Azshara
#2717 Quest criteria are counted even on mount
Kalimdor - Orgrimmar
#1111 Quest can be completed even on mount now
Kalimdor - Tanaris
#2287 Fixed the object interaction when mounted
#2287 Fixed the damage of Pirate-Destroying Bomb
Miscellaneous - Firelands Invasion
#2649 Druid now properly removes the flames in the path
#2627 The quest criteria after closing the portal was fixed
Northrend - Dragonblight
#2723 The quest vehicle can now be properly mounted
Professions - Cooking
#2281 Fixed a bug that caused some quest GameObjects to be uninteractible
The Maelstrom - Kezan
#2739 Fixed the Sassy Hardwrench's event and conditions
#2648 Fixed the interaction with Abyssal Seahorse
Uncategorized - The Jade Forest
#1189 Quest item drop increased to match the retail
#1113 POI to turn in the quest now properly shows on the minimap
#1114 POI to turn in the quest now properly shows on the minimap
#1118 The quest criteria are now properly count towards quest completion
#1116 Cannons are killable now and the quest can be completed
#1431 The Panda NPC now properly despawns upon quest criteria completion
#2283 The quest can now be turned in
Uncategorized - Valley of the Four Winds
#1154 Increased NPC visibility distance
#1152 Fixed issue with relog to see quest objectives
#1963 Fixed the quest event
World Events - Darkmoon Faire
Grisly Trophies can no longer be collected from some creatures that don't reward any experience
Achievements (1)
#2326 Newly created Death Knights with level 80 or higher will no longer obtain this achievement
NPCs (15)
The Kodo is now only visible during the quest The Wolf and The Kodo
Dustwallow Marsh
#2568 Doctor Weavil is now hostile to players
Emerald Bearkins are now correctly engaged in combat with Jadefire Satyrs
Icecrown Citadel
#2556 Deathbringer Saurfang will now correctly become attackable after his intro event ends
Kun-Lai Summit
Added Wild Onyx Serpent to the world
Shadowmoon Valley
#2217 Enraged Air Spirits can no longer spawn with no visible model
The Deadmines
#2698 Corrected cooldown of Reaper Strike
The Jade Forest
#2496 Sheena Sunweaver now also sells Dust of Disappearance and Tome of the Clear Mind
Yanyra Moonfell now also sells Dust of Disappearance and Tome of the Clear Mind
The Obsidian Sanctum
#2418 Sartharion will no longer get stuck in combat after evade
Tol Barad Peninsula
#2546 Pogg now sells Fox Kit for 200 Tol Barad Commendations
#2545 Quartermaster Brazie now sells Fox Kit for 200 Tol Barad Commendations
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
#2444 Carapin will now always appear dead
Valley of the Four Winds
#2539 Ghostly Pandaren Fisherman will now award you with a correct item
Multiple Locations
#2464 Death Knights can no longer Death Grip Training Dummies
Items (25)
#2488 Fixed Alchemist's Flask
Bone-Link Fetish (all versions) can now only proc from damage events and proc chance is reduced for players above level 85
#2497 Fixed GameObjects with charges
Cunning of the Cruel (all versions) now has a reduced proc chance for players above level 85
#2514 Consuming a Fortune Cookie will now correctly create Fortune Card
#2733 Fury of Angerforge now correctly triggers from melee attacks
#2470 Critical hits of Power Word: Shield now heal for the correct amount
#2441 Reworked Glyph of Resilient Grip - the cooldown of Death Grip is now correctly reset if the target is immune to all of its effects
#2520 Ice Lance will now correctly check frozen state for each enemy target individually
#2325 Consuming Gumweed now correctly applies a random effect
#2687 Fixed damage of Tentacle of the Old Ones' Mind Flay
#2515 Fixed Hasty Hearth Guild Perk
#2092 Kafa Press now correctly starts its cooldown when combat ends
#2517 Added missing invisibility UI effect
#2705 Mount can now be cast without Northrend flying learnt
#2190 Fixed Loot-A-Rang
#2324 Fixed Lord Blastington's Scope of Doom
Lovely Charms can no longer be collected from some creatures that don't reward any experience
#2421 Fixed a bug which prevented players from accepting Twilight Research quest
Fixed Mirror Scope
#2305 Grand Warlock Alythess and Lady Sacrolash can now drop Spaulders of Reclamation and Sin'dorei Pendants
#2439 Added Tome of the Clear Mind to Inscription Supplies vendors
Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor (all versions) will no longer interrupt casting or channeling when it triggers
Vial of Shadows (all versions) can now only proc from damage events and proc chance is reduced for players above level 85
#2486 Will of Unbinding can now proc from all harmful spells and some periodic spells