Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner

Changelog 19.02.2023 - 19.03.2023 (272 fixes)

Spells (18)
Death Knight
#2895 Slightly corrected the calculation of Runic Corruption's duration - it now exactly matches retail behavior
#2908 T13 2P Feral set bonus now correctly makes Ferocious Bite refresh the duration of Rip when used on targets at or below 60% health
#2909 T13 4P Feral set bonus now correctly makes Might of Ursoc affect all party or raid members
#2910 Kill Command now correctly triggers its charge and damage effect even if the pet is not attacking
#2845 Familiar Stones created by Conjure Familiar are no longer blocked by content system
#2879 Beacon of Light no longer heals for excessive amount from Light of Dawn
#2879 All auras related to Beacon of Light are now properly removed when logging out
#2703 Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings now properly stack when casted by two different Paladins
#3071 Consecration now correctly spawns even if there are no enemies nearby
#2857 Divine Shield now properly removes Horde and Alliance Flag in Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks
#1217 Divine Focus is no longer removed when switching between primary and secondary talent specialization
#2712 Combo Points from Premeditation are now correctly transferred between targets when using Redirect
#1143 Raid buffs from Hunter pets no longer remove Stealth
#3229 Fulmination will no longer do excessive damage when duplicated by Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
#3028 When having multiple Fear auras at once, their effect is now correctly removed after the last Fear aura fades
Ground Slam now correctly knocks players up in the air
#2630 Using Nitro Boosts no longer removes Stealth
#3293 Scroll of Wisdom now discovers new glyphs, also fixed similar mechanics for other profession spells
Dungeons (26)
#2633 Black Temple Reliquary of Souls event now properly resets
#2817 Blackwing Descent Fixed Magmaw evade + instance stuck with encounter in progress
#2713 Blackwing Lair Fixed entering Blackwing Lair from Blackrock Spire when incorrect difficulty was selected
#2738 Elite mob experience gain Increased experience awarded for killing creatures in dungeons
#3074 Firelands Feather used to summon Alysrazor now correctly spawns after a wipe
#1142 Icecrown Citadel Gunship Battle ships now correctly spawn in Icecrown Citadel
#3080 Trial of the Crusader Anub'Arak no longer enters combat with players immediately after entering the instance
#2675 Ulduar General Vezax - Aura of Despair now only disables Mana regeneration
#2675 Ulduar Yogg-Saron - Fixed Alone in the Darkness achievement
#2675 Ulduar XT-002 Deconstructor - Corrected damage of Tympanic Tantrum
#2675 Ulduar Razorscale - Razorscale now correctly resets after a wipe
#2675 Ulduar Hodir - Hodir now correctly evades after killing all players
#2675 Ulduar Mimiron - Leviathan Mk II will no longer move while casting Shock Blast
#2675 Ulduar Thorim - Fixed Lose Your Illusion and Siffed achievements
#2675 Ulduar Thorim - Thorim Controller trigger will no longer attack players
#2675 Ulduar Auriaya - Fixed Crazy Cat Lady achievement
#2675 Ulduar Kologarn - Boss now correctly uses his Focused Eyebeam ability
#2675 Ulduar Kologarn - Destroyed arms now correctly despawn
#2675 Ulduar Kologarn - Fixed Rumble and Roll achievement
#2675 Ulduar Assembly of Iron - Fixed I Choose You, Steelbreaker / Runemaster Molgeim / Stormcaller Brundir achievements
#2675 Ulduar XT-002 Deconstructor - Boss no longer keeps his Heartbreak buff after a wipe
#2675 Ulduar XT-002 Deconstructor - Doors to XT-002 Deconstructor now correctly open after a wipe
#2675 Ulduar XT-002 Deconstructor - Increased damage of XE-321 Boombots
#2675 Ulduar Ignis the Furnace Master - Fixed Shattered achievement
#2675 Ulduar Flame Leviathan - Fixed Unbroken achievement
#2675 Ulduar Flame Leviathan - Flame Leviathan no longer gets stuck after destroying player's vehicle
Mechanics (2)
#2828 Auction Buyer name is now properly shown in mail
#2676 Nejde předat Guild Master Fixed changing Guild Master
General (31)
#1211 Auto Loot Auto Loot now works correctly when in a party or raid
Away From Keyboard Away From Keyboard status is now correctly cleared when transferring to a different map
Battle Pets Fixed many different Battle Pet abilities
#2597 Battle pet chat link Fixed linking battle pets and their abilities in chat
#2771 Change of preset spells on action bar after talents change Specialization spells will no longer replace all spells on action bar with each change between primary and secondary talent specialization
#3078 Character Auction - Titles not removed Fixed removing titles for which related achievements are no longer present
#3054 Character count on realm Fixed character count on realm after selling characters in auction
#2727 Crucible of Carnage Pacified some aggressive triggers in Crucible of Carnage in Twilight Highlands
#39 Fishing Removed outdated Fishing spells that should not be available in Mists of Pandaria
#3149 Friend/Ignore list Fixed adding names with realm suffix
#3323 Global - Creature Movement Creatures no longer move in incorrect directions when chasing a player who used a spell with charge effect
#3323 Global - Creature Movement Fixed movement problems occurring with some creatures when running at the edge of their melee range
#3323 Global - Creature Movement Fixed movement problems with pets chasing a creature that's running towards them
#2603 Honors/Justice Points Fixed conversion between Honor Points and Justice Points
#3172 Hunter pet bug if leveling Dead pets are no longer revived by leveling up
#3083 L70ETC Concert L70ETC concert on Darkmoon Island no longer causes WoW Errrors for nearby players
#2837 Mail from AH Fixed displaying of item icons and tooltips in mails from the auction house
#2882 Mail lost after returning it Fixed mail return function - items are no longer lost when returning a mail
#2619 Missing Achievements Achievement points from faction specific achievements are no longer shared between factions
#3021 MoP World Boss Mounts Drop rates of Pandaria world boss mounts adjusted
#3026 Old world mounts drop chances Drop rates of mounts in old instances adjusted
#3215 Outland PvP Objectives Capture bar for PvP objectives in Outland is now displayed only if the player is close to them
#2340 Pandaria - World Bosses Loot and script corrections
Player Experience Experience gains from mining veins, herbs and archaeology finds are now correctly modified by auras and Rested state
Player Experience Correctly reimplemented experience awarded for mining veins, herbs and archaeology finds
Player Experience Reworked calculation of experience awarded for killing creatures
#2430 Ports in Shrine of Two Moons Added missing portals to Shrine of Two Moons and Shrine of Seven Stars in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
#2699 Reputation Tabards Fixed reputation gain while wearing city tabards
#3199 Titles earned/lost on levelup Titles rewarded from multiple achievements (Alliance and Horde) are no longer removed and added again on level up
#2774 Uldum - Chamber of the Stars Entering Chamber of the Stars in Uldum no longer dismounts the player
#2415 Vytváření guildy Fixed guild creation
PvP (3)
Battleground Flags Properly reimplemented removing of battleground related capture objects when the players becomes invulnerable
#2718 Lootovanie mrtvol v BG Corrected money dropped by player corpses in battlegrounds
#2718 Lootovanie mrtvol v BG Fixed player corpse looting in battlegrounds
Quests (121)
Classes - Warlock
#2050 Cast of Corruption now counts towards the quest credit
Dungeons - Ragefire Chasm
#2623 Fixed quest turn in
Eastern Kingdoms - Arathi Highlands
#2177 Nagas now correctly attack Shakes O'Breen
Eastern Kingdoms - Badlands
#2145 Fixed the motorcycle ride
Eastern Kingdoms - Burning Steppes
#2585 Quest reworked
Eastern Kingdoms - Deadwind Pass
#2643 Quest reworked
Eastern Kingdoms - Dun Morogh
#1966 Fixed player interaction with the Personnel Launcher
#1967 Viewpoint Equalizer now correctly shrinks the target and gives quest credit
Eastern Kingdoms - Eastern Plaguelands
#3055 Quest reworked
Eastern Kingdoms - Elwynn Forest
#3079 Only one Fear No Evil quest is now offered to players
Eastern Kingdoms - Eversong Woods
#2673 Fixed the quest event and NPC interaction
Eastern Kingdoms - Hillsbrad Foothills
#2176 Fixed quest criteria gain after the cinematic
#2175 Fixed the NPCs combat assistance
Eastern Kingdoms - Redridge Mountains
#2000 Fixed the quest credit being given
#3040 Fixed the Tharil'zun's Bloodworm level scaling
#1951 Quest credit is now properly given when reaching the graveyard
Eastern Kingdoms - Searing Gorge
#2192 Fixed quest item spawn after after Dig's spawn
#2142 Fixed Lunk mounting Iron Dwarves
#2274 Dwarves will dance with the player
#2076 Fixed Lunk mounting spiders
Eastern Kingdoms - Stormwind City
#1620 Fixed the quest credit gain
Eastern Kingdoms - Tirisfal Glades
#2884 Quest reworked
Eastern Kingdoms - Twilight Highlands
#2667 Fixed the cannon launch and bomb planting
#2425 Fixed entering spirit realm
#2764 The cutscene no longer gets stuck
Eastern Kingdoms - Western Plaguelands
#2181 Fixed Zen'Kiki pulling the Diseased Hawks
Eastern Kingdoms - Westfall
#1945 Fixed overloaded golem quest criterium
Kalimdor - Ashenvale
#3085 Durak's kill gives quest credit
#3086 Fixed Krokk coming when Powder is used
#1953 Corrected position of the quest object
Kalimdor - Darkshore
#1922 Waves of NPCs are now correctly spawning
#1914 Fixed the quest credit count
Kalimdor - Desolace
#2211 Quest removed from the game
#2203 Increased quest item usable range
#2212 Quest removed from the game
Kalimdor - Durotar
#2174 Fixed quest event
#2084 Fixed the quest credit gain
#2148 Killing Tiki Targets now gives quest credit
Kalimdor - Dustwallow Marsh
#2071 Killing mobs gives the quest credit now
Kalimdor - Felwood
#2147 Rainbow now correctly scares imps
Kalimdor - Mount Hyjal
#2395 Twilight Juggernaut no longer gets stuck in combat and now despawns with evade
#2806 Twilight Inciter's Shadowstep now targets players
#2711 Fixed climbing on the tree
Kalimdor - Northern Barrens
#2155 Fixed the escort event
Kalimdor - Orgrimmar
#2291 Enemies in Brawl'gar Arena now correctly respawn
#1239 The Horde Way is now only available to Pandarens
Increased range for texts during event
Kalimdor - Silithus
#2201 The Silithist can be picked now
#2938 Fixed the quest turn in
Kalimdor - Southern Barrens
#1940 Fixed the battleflag object criteria
Kalimdor - Stonetalon Mountains
#1955 Fixed the position of Mechanized Fire
#1938 Fixed interaction with Sniper Cannons
#2168 Fixed quest event and dialogs
Kalimdor - Tanaris
#2654 Fixed quest cinematic
Kalimdor - Thousand Needles
#2146 Pirate's Crowbar can now be used on the outhouse
#2986 Feralas Sentinel now uses the correct language with his texts
#2337 Fixed extinguishing flames
#3027 Fixed the quest turn in
Kalimdor - Uldum
#2629 Killing Crazed Gnomes now counts towards criteria
#2420 Fixed defender's abilities
Kalimdor - Un\'Goro Crater
#2775 Threshadon Meat can be placed on the stone now
Kalimdor - Winterspring
#2260 Fixed quest criteria not counting correctly
#2260 Do not count removed items twice when updating quest objectives on item remove (global fix)
#2197 Corrected Winterfall Runner's corpse decay timer
Miscellaneous - Firelands Invasion
#2802 Malorne now attacks Lord Rhyolith correctly
#2651 Fixed climbing on the tree
#2939 Delayed respawn of Obsidian Slaglord, internal script changes
Miscellaneous - The Zandalari
#1621 Dismount player when interracting with adventurers
Northrend - Borean Tundra
#2930 Cinematic correction and fix quest credit
Fixed platforms and outro cinematic
Northrend - Dragonblight
#2797 Wyrmrest Vanquisher can be mounted now
Northrend - Icecrown
#2735 Skytalon's explosion now counts to the criteria
#2736 Fixed quest criteria gain and Ocular's respawn
#2743 Quest is now correctly completed after Mal'Ganis' defeat
#2646 Fixed the quest event
#2741 The wyrm explosion now correctly counts to quest criteria
Northrend - The Storm Peaks
#2682 Allow players to summon a Tamed Jormungar
Outland - Nagrand
#2852 Huts can be burned down now
Outland - Shadowmoon Valley
#2216 Fixed the quest credit gain
Outland - Terokkar Forest
#2214 Escort event no longer gets stuck
Outland - Zangarmarsh
#2370 Fixed quest criteria at the end of the escort event
Professions - Fishing
#2618 Increased drop chance of Corpse-Fed Pike
#2511 Fixed quest objectives
Raids - Icecrown Citadel
#2810 Fixed Sealed Chest drop from the Lich King
The Maelstrom - Deepholm
#2999 Fixed the issue with mobs missing on the gunship
The Maelstrom - The Lost Isles
#1269 Quest credit is now properly awarded for killing Goblin Zombies
#1765 Corrected text of Delivery Cart Tender
#1918 Darnell now properly piles up the corpses on his meatless back
#2588 Fixed a bug which sometimes caused Jaomin Ro to not reset properly
#3173 Players can now interact with Edict of Temperance only if they have The Master's Flame in their inventory
#1342 When logging in after creation of a new Pandaren Mage, equipped weapons are correctly removed now
#1516 Fixed the interaction with Min
#1264 Player's phase is now correctly updated after rewarding the quest Huo, the Spirit of Fire
Uncategorized - Battle Pets
#2083 Fixed quest text
#2082 Fixed quest text
#1952 Fixed quest text
Uncategorized - Dread Wastes
#2184 Ancient Amber Chunk can no longer despawn during the event and cause it to get stuck
Uncategorized - Kun-Lai Summit
#2968 Allow multiple player interaction
Uncategorized - The Jade Forest
#2459 Flowers no longer despawn if they are not looted
#1564 Gyrocopter now correctly starts flying towards the gunship
#1564 Captain Doren now hides his weapon when entering Gyrocopter
#1950 Fixed camera angle
#1633 Garrosh'ar Grunts now spawn after the barricade is destroyed
#1125 Fixed switching of seats in the vehicle
Uncategorized - Townlong Steppes
#2587 Added missing pre-quest for Horde players to unlock Shado-Pan daily quests
Uncategorized - Vale of Eternal Blossoms
#2574 Elder Liao now offers Elder Charms of Good Fortune quest
#2573 Increased spawn count of Mistfall Water Buckets
#2559 Shadowmaster Sydow now correctly drops Soul-Gatherer's Beads
Uncategorized - Valley of the Four Winds
#2949 Only one quest credit can be gained from each Gurgling Toadspawn now
#1278 Li Li and Jooga event now correctly resets
#1223 Radius for quest criteria corrected
#1196 Corrected quest PoI
#2851 Mudmug's Vial is now correctly removed from player's inventory when Stoppered Vial of Muddy Water is created
#1649 Fixed event after completing the quest, event NPCs now correctly reset
#1156 Sliced Peaches now correctly count towards quest criteria
#2558 Students now correctly reset if killed
#1896 Fixed the quest mini events
#2027 Fixed pathfinding issues
World Events - Darkmoon Faire
#1675 Master Pit Fighter quest now correctly requires 12 Pit Fighter trinkets
#1920 Player is no longer visible after being loaded into the cannon
#1920 Cannon Target Points are now correctly calculated after landing in water
Achievements (17)
#2721 Fixed Abuse the Ooze achievement
#2607 Champion of the Naaru title is account-wide now
#3161 Fixed Family Reunion achievement
#3088 Players will no longer receive the reward twice
#3052 Fixed Hero of Shattrath achievement
#3125 Fixed Insane in the Membrane achievement
#3158 Achievement criteria is now checked on login, account-wide achievement points are used instead of character achievement points
#3220 Celestial Dragon is now properly sent in mail
#3208 Fixed Mighty Miners achievement
#3228 Fixed Mountain o' Mounts achievement reward
#3188 Fixed No Favorites achievement
#3187 Fixed Rookie Pet Group achievement
#2917 Fixed Share The Love achievement
#3092 Fixed Spirit Twister achievement
#3252 Fixed Taming Eastern Kingdoms achievement
#3189 Fixed Trainer Extraordinaire achievement
#3072 Fixed Upper Back Pain achievement
NPCs (25)
Blackrock Depths
Corrected spell cooldowns of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan
Darkmoon Island
#3081 Added crowd-control immunities
#3081 Darkmoon Rabbit can now drop during the prepatch, also increased drop chance to 100%
Added gossip option for teleport to Darkmoon Cannon for level 90 players
#2547 Fixed trainer gossip
Dun Morogh
#3166 Corrected Shorty's position
Heart of Fear
#2119 Reshape Life now correctly makes players attackable by other players
Howling Fjord
#3022 Corrected Storm Giant's model
#3098 Removed incorrect spawn point
Kun-Lai Summit
#1272 Removed leash from Guardian of the Peak
#2912 Ordo Warbringer now despawns with evade, or when moved out of his cave
Northern Barrens
#1229 Added a spawn point for Dagra the Fierce
#2773 Fixed player interaction with various riding trainers
Shadowfang Keep
#2745 Haunted Servitor now only uses his Drain Life in Heroic difficulty
Shadowmoon Valley
#2916 Val'zareq the Conqueror is now correctly visible to players
Silverpine Forest
#3243 Fixed Abomination's aggro radius
The Jade Forest
#2688 Strongarm Airman now correctly becomes attackable after exiting gyrocopter
Townlong Steppes
Added say on aggro and combat spells
Twilight Highlands
#3226 Goz Banefury is now visible in all phases
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
#2554 Fixed gossip texts
#2978 The corpse of Two-Shoed Lou is no longer attackable
Multiple Locations
#1676 Added gossip option for teleport to Darkmoon Faire Staging Area for level 90 players
Unknown Location
Reduced experience gained from killing Amberleaf Troublemakers
#2567 Corrected melee damage
#2945 Faction correction
Items (22)
#1242 Added loot to Chee Chee's Goodie Bag
Fixed Bloody Dancing Steel - Added proc data, only Strength or Agility is now increased, based on the highest stat
#1406 Fixed Colossus - Added proc data
#1409 Fixed Dancing Steel - Added proc data, only Strength or Agility is now increased, based on the highest stat
Fixed Elemental Force - Added proc data
Fixed Jade Spirit - Added proc data, Spirit is now increased only if the player has less than 25% Mana
#1407 Fixed River's Song - Added proc data
Fixed Spirit of Conquest - Added proc data, Spirit is now increased only if the player has less than 25% Mana
#1405 Fixed Windsong - Added proc data, Mastery can now only proc for players below level 80
#2584 Auras which copy another unit's appearance are now removed when transferring between maps (temporary change)
#3051 Brilliant Mana Gem created by Conjure Mana Gem is no longer blocked by content system
#3151 Imported Supplies now always contain exactly 40 Cocoa Beans
#3151 Corrected the price of Imported Supplies to 1 Epicurean's Award
#3053 Fixed on use effect
#2023 Added loot to Old Man Thistle's Treasure
#1835 Added missing text to Pandaren Scroll
#1291 Added loot to Plump Intestines
#3202 All Satchels of Helpful Goods now correctly contain loot for Monks
Added loot to Satchel of Helpful Goods from level 35-39 dungeons (might be unused)
#1401 Added loot to Silkworm Cocoon
#1243 Added loot to Small Bag of Goods
#1404 Wormhole Generator: Pandaria now correctly teleports to random locations in Pandaria
Objects (7)
#3316 Fixed pooling of Azshara's Veil
#2313 Added a spawn of Blade of the Poisoned Mind to the world
#2314 Fixed a bug which prevented players from looting Hozen Warrior Spear
#2878 Orb of Translocation in Isle of Quel'Danas now teleports to correct positions
#3160 Removing Silithyst now correctly spawns Silithyst Mound
#3160 Carrying Silithyst now limits player's movement speed to 100%
#3317 Fixed pooling of Stormvine