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Wooly Justice

Scalper Ahunae at Zim'Torga wants you to use the Medallion of Mam'toth to calm and ride an Enraged Mammoth. You are then to trample 12 Mam'toth Disciples to death.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Zul'Drak.


Ahunae hear about your trip to Mam'toth Crater, mon. The children of Mam'toth are enraged and cry out for justice!

Follow the avenue northeast up the steps to the next tier of Zul'Drak. On your right you will find what's left of the Altar of Mam'toth.

When you get there, flash this Medallion of Mam'toth in front of the eyes of one of the enraged mammoths. It'll calm down for a little while, letting you hop on its back.

Ride it around, trampling all of the Mam'toth disciples that you can find!


You can choose one of these awards:
Soothsayer's Hood Supple Bloodbinder's Boots Bloodbinder's Shoulderguards Bloodletter's Legplates Frigid Crossbow


What? You done already?

Did you enact wooly justice upon those sorry ice trolls?


Score one for the victims, mon!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21400 experience (at level 74)

