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Quick Facts

Renewable Resource

Use the Arcane Charge to retrieve 5 Animate Basalt from Balboa near the Ruins of Nordressa.
Animate Basalt (5)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Azshara.


We're going to need some more animate basalt. There's only one reliable source for that in the area, a mountain giant named Balboa. We can't be killing the mountain giant if we want to keep stocked in the stuff long term, so we've just been chipping off pieces at a time.

You'll be able to see his path northeast and east of here. Find him, place the charge ahead on the path, and then hide until it goes off. Once he's cleared the area, you should be able to retrieve the basalt and bring it back to me.


I heard a few explosions. I can hardly tell if one of them was yours or not... these goblins can be quite a nuisance.


Good work. This should keep us for another few hours before we have to go back for more.

He doesn't seem to be the brightest of giants. I expect we'll be able to keep doing this for a while before he catches on.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience (at level 15)

