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Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped

Activate the Reactor Control Console and escort the Azsharite Core back to the Southern Rocketway Terminus. Use the Fireliminator X-21 on the Core if it starts to overheat.
Fireliminator X-21

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This NPC or object can be found in Azshara.


Once we flush the central reactor, I need you to return the core to me. It's 100% refined azsharite crystal, which is both powerful and dangerous. And lovely. Oh precious azsharite, the shaper of worlds to come!

The giant lever to your left will dump the core and send it to me via the rail system. The core will be superheated, so you'll need to periodically douse it with the Fireliminator on the way here... don't let it reach critical temperature!


The following spell will be cast on you:
Update Zone Auras


Don't worry about the residual effects of all those burning chemicals in the lab. Hair grows back!


Whew, the sample is secure. And it's still steaming! Thank you, <name>.

Azsharite is a complex mystery wrapped in a velvety enigma of danger. Grapplehammer insists that we learn more about this strange substance.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

