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The Restless Earth

Use the Drums of the Soothed Earth to calm 6 Agitated Earth Spirits.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Mulgore.


Until recently, a group of dwarves intruded on our lands to the west, carving the earth apart senselessly to search for treasure. When the very earth itself tore apart, the spirits of the land they had abused rose up and took their revenge.

The agitated earth spirits still roam the former dig site, <name>. We must offer them appeasement.

Take this drum with you to the west and play to the spirits. The rhythm may calm their fury and confusion.


You can choose one of these awards:
Chestguard of the Beating Drum Restless Gloves Worn Ceremonial Tomahawk


Is the land satisfied?


The land is clearly still in great upheaval if it took such effort to calm.

Remember this, <name>. Do not forget seeing the fate of those who would scar the Earth Mother.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 625 experience (at level 5)

