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Raptor Mastery

Hunt Tethis.
Talon of Tethis

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Before returning to Nesingwary's Expedition, you will have to complete the impossible: hunt the raptor that no other hunter has been able to capture. That beast goes by the name of Tethis, and he's been known to terrorize the southeastern corner of Northern Stranglethorn.

Bringing Tethis' talon back to that dwarf hunter should be proof that you are no ordinary <race>.


You can choose one of these awards:
Raptor Slayer's Band Belt of the Raptor Tethis' Skull


Ah, so you're hunting Tethis? Tracked her all the way back to camp, did you?


<Master/Mistress> <name>, the raptor slayer!

Has a nice ring to it, eh?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2850 experience (at level 24)

