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Lycanthoth the Corruptor

Use Lycanthoth's Incense within the Maw of Lycanthoth in Hyjal to summon and kill Lycanthoth.
Lycanthoth's Incense

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Mount Hyjal (2).


The actions of these feral dogs are beginning to make sense. The Twilight's Hammer fears the power of the ancients. They do not want Lo'Gosh to return.

So they've summoned their own wolf god - a perversion of what once was. "Lycanthoth," the corruptor.

<name>, Lycanthoth is but a shadow of Lo'Gosh's power, but the beast must be destroyed so that the true ancient can return. Take this incense, and burn it in the Maw of Lycanthoth east of here. Slay the monstrosity and free the spirit of Lo'Gosh!


You can choose one of these awards:
Handguards of Restrained Brutality Wrap of Furious Pride Choker of Lo'Gosh
The following spell will be cast on you:
Force Player to Ride Goldrinn


Your bravery is an inspiration to others, <class>. Tell me your name.


You were brave to face down Lycanthoth, <name>. Like myself, he was a primal force of nature... but his origins were from a darker place.

Those who birthed that beast reached deep into the blackness, channeling powers never intended for this world.

Come, <class>. Climb onto my back, and let us show these beasts the true face of ferocity!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

