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A Breath of Fresh Air

Find Captain Taylor aboard Voldrin's Hold, on the surface above the Ruins of Vashj'ir.

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Captain Taylor and many of the other survivors have already made their way to the surface. I'm sure some are just looking to rid themselves of this place for good, but we still have work to do if we're going to stop the naga from invading the plane of water.

First, we need to set eyes on the tentacled fiend that destroyed our ships when we first arrived - we don't want a repeat of that nightmare.

Hexascrub left these behind for you. They should speed your trip up a bit.


You made it out! Good to see you, <name>.

It's good to be out of the water for a bit, and to have some resources at our disposal again. I'm sure many of the boys would give anything to turn around and head home after what we've been through, but we still have a grim task ahead.

What about you? Want to stick it through to the end with us? I wouldn't blame you if you've had your fill.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 20800 experience (at level 80)

