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Gurubashi Challenge: Free-For-All Arena Combat

Place the Gurubashi Challenge Flag down inside the Battle Ring, then defeat the Gurubashi Arena Challenger.

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This NPC or object can be found in unknown location.


The arena is a place of battle unlike any other. Inside, you have no friends. Alliances that do form are fleeting, as your allies can turn on you in the blink of an eye. Horde vs. Alliance, Alliance vs. Alliance, Horde vs. Horde... anything goes.

Take this battle standard, <race>, and place it down on the arena floor. Defeat the summoned combatant, then return to me.

Stay on your toes, <race>. Anything goes inside the Gurubashi Arena.


Well done, <race>! Did you feel it? The rush of the melee? The true risk of free-for-all combat?

As today is your first day here, I'll let you perform in one more competition for another reward. If you return in the future, you may compete again, once a day. Your rewards will, of course, improve as you become stronger.

