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To the Surface

Speak to Torben Zapblast to get teleported to the surface and report to Nevin Twistwrench.

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Dun Morogh, unknown location.


Nevin has just sent word that he and his men are making their way to the surface. He'll be waiting for you in the building that S.A.F.E. has established as its headquarters.

See Torben Zapblast over there? Talk to him when you're ready to head to the surface and he'll arrange to have you transported up there. It's been a pleasure meeting you, <name>, and I'm honored to have played a small role in helping you escape from Gnomeregan to start your life on the surface.


It's good to see you again, <name>. Without your help, we wouldn't have been able to get so many survivors out of Gnomeregan this time. Everyone is going to be thrilled to meet you and hear your story.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 15 experience (at level 1)

