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1.The Only Homes We Have
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The Only Homes We Have

Extinguish 50 fires at Firebeard's Patrol.
The following spell will be cast on you:
Water Bucket Quest Aura

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Twilight Highlands (2).


We've already been pushed back farther than I'd hoped, but I'm not about to give up our homes to these mongrels. They may burn them, pillage them, and spit on the rubbled remains, but we'll still fight to take them back.

That being said, I rather like them not burnt. I have the boys running buckets from the well to try to keep the fire down. If you'd join them, they can help out by tossing you buckets so you don't have to make the runs.


Thanks for your help. Every little bit makes a difference.

We'll keep the water going until we can push the Twilight back.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

