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They Took Me Pants!

Find Bahrum's legguards.
Bahrum's Pants

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This NPC or object can be found in Twilight Highlands.


Why I be standing in the grain crate? Long story short, there were hornets and some Dragonmaw that showed up at a bad time. I got away safely, but the bastards took off with me legguards!

My sister made those for me from scratch, even engraved my name on... I would die of shame if she found out I lost 'em.

Please find 'em for me - I saw the pant thief going into that fortress over there. I'm going to stay here for *ahem* cover.

And don't be asking what a Wildhammer wears under his kilt!


The following spell will be cast on you:
Summon Bahrum Flavor


Have you found 'em yet? This grain is pretty itchy.


Thank you! Now turn around so I can put'em on.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 55200 experience (at level 84)

