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Kill Ursius.

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This NPC or object can be found in Winterspring.


I've heard it said that you are what you eat. I don't know if I believe that, but if it's true... I'd prefer to eat the strongest creature that I can find.

Ursius is the largest bear in Winterspring. He eats first when his pack of shardtooth brings down a chimaera or an owlbear. He claims the most comfortable cave in the shardtooth-held lands. And he has... considerable influence with the shardtooth females.

He is my kind of bear.

I want to eat him.

His cave is near the maulers. Good luck!


You can choose one of these awards:
Shardtooth Gloves Ursius's Cap Bracers of Considerable Influence Bear Oiled Chainmail Morcott's Bow


Ursius is... not delicious. He tastes like a combination of pinecones and curdled milk, only... oilier.

Are you sure this is Ursius? The big bear? In the cave?

This is horrible. It honestly tastes like his meat has been steeped in urine.

I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger.

Ugh. It's really bad. Do you want to try some?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11400 experience (at level 50)

