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An Unexpected Advantage

Retrieve the missing Water-Damaged Gears and Rusty Locking Bolts from the Hozen Ambushers to the East.
Water-Damaged Gear (4)
Rusty Locking Bolt (4)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in The Jade Forest.


Things seem to be goin' our way more and more lately, <name>. I was out doin some explorin' when I came upon this little beauty.

<Sully gestures to the ballista to his right.>

Problem is she's one of a set and the other one is still in pieces. I'd have gotten it together by now if those pesky Grimleers hadn't ambushed me and taken some of the gears and bolts.

Hey, ye seem to be pretty good at handlin' the natives. Ye wouldn't mind goin' and helpin' ol'Sully out would ye?


You will learn:


Did ye find my missing gears and bolts?


Well these aren't as good as she deserves, but it will have to work.

<Sully pats the dismantled ballista.>

I'll get 'er up and runnin' in no time, just ye watch!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 111000 experience (at level 85)

