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Restoring Jade's Purity

Assist Wise Mari, Liu Flameheart, and Lorewalker Stonestep with their sha problems.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Temple of the Jade Serpent.


<class>, will you aid us?

The temple's purity has been jeopardized. Even now the three masters struggle against their doubts.

Please, I beg you, head in and help Wise Mari, Liu Flameheart, and Lorewalker Stonestep in their fight against the sha.


Please, you must assist those within before they succumb to their doubts.


While I am sad to hear the fates of Wise Mari and Priestess Flameheart, you have my heartfelt thanks.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 258000 experience (at level 85)

