Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner
Quick Facts
  • Level: 56
  • Requires level: 54
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Calandrath
  • Skill: Cooking (285)
  • Status: Unspecified
1.Desert Recipe
Screenshots (1)

Desert Recipe

Look for information about cooking Sandworm Meat at the Twilight's Hammer camp west of Cenarion Hold.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Silithus.


Adapting to life in the desert has been difficult to say the least. Not only do I miss the birds and trees of Auberdine but our food selection is severely limited by this arid environment. I'm trying to learn about desert herbs, but there aren't many.

I've seen Twilight's Hammer groups from the camp west of here hunt sandworms for food. Sandworm meat is so bitter though, I can't imagine how they make it palatable. Keep your eyes open if you go to their camp and let me know if you learn anything.


This book contains several common recipes and a few unusual ones. After browsing through it for a few seconds you spot a recipe that involves sandworm meat.


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